155 research outputs found

    Fair comparison of skin detection approaches on publicly available datasets

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    Skin detection is the process of discriminating skin and non-skin regions in a digital image and it is widely used in several applications ranging from hand gesture analysis to track body parts and face detection. Skin detection is a challenging problem which has drawn extensive attention from the research community, nevertheless a fair comparison among approaches is very difficult due to the lack of a common benchmark and a unified testing protocol. In this work, we investigate the most recent researches in this field and we propose a fair comparison among approaches using several different datasets. The major contributions of this work are an exhaustive literature review of skin color detection approaches, a framework to evaluate and combine different skin detector approaches, whose source code is made freely available for future research, and an extensive experimental comparison among several recent methods which have also been used to define an ensemble that works well in many different problems. Experiments are carried out in 10 different datasets including more than 10000 labelled images: experimental results confirm that the best method here proposed obtains a very good performance with respect to other stand-alone approaches, without requiring ad hoc parameter tuning. A MATLAB version of the framework for testing and of the methods proposed in this paper will be freely available from https://github.com/LorisNann

    Toward a General-Purpose Heterogeneous Ensemble for Pattern Classification

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    We perform an extensive study of the performance of different classification approaches on twenty-five datasets (fourteen image datasets and eleven UCI data mining datasets). The aim is to find General-Purpose (GP) heterogeneous ensembles (requiring little to no parameter tuning) that perform competitively across multiple datasets. The state-of-the-art classifiers examined in this study include the support vector machine, Gaussian process classifiers, random subspace of adaboost, random subspace of rotation boosting, and deep learning classifiers. We demonstrate that a heterogeneous ensemble based on the simple fusion by sum rule of different classifiers performs consistently well across all twenty-five datasets. The most important result of our investigation is demonstrating that some very recent approaches, including the heterogeneous ensemble we propose in this paper, are capable of outperforming an SVM classifier (implemented with LibSVM), even when both kernel selection and SVM parameters are carefully tuned for each dataset

    Deep Ensembles Based on Stochastic Activations for Semantic Segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation is a very popular topic in modern computer vision, and it has applications in many fields. Researchers have proposed a variety of architectures for semantic image segmentation. The most common ones exploit an encoder–decoder structure that aims to capture the semantics of the image and its low-level features. The encoder uses convolutional layers, in general with a stride larger than one, to extract the features, while the decoder recreates the image by upsampling and using skip connections with the first layers. The objective of this study is to propose a method for creating an ensemble of CNNs by enhancing diversity among networks with different activation functions. In this work, we use DeepLabV3+ as an architecture to test the effectiveness of creating an ensemble of networks by randomly changing the activation functions inside the network multiple times. We also use different backbone networks in our DeepLabV3+ to validate our findings. A comprehensive evaluation of the proposed approach is conducted across two different image segmentation problems: the first is from the medical field, i.e., polyp segmentation for early detection of colorectal cancer, and the second is skin detection for several different applications, including face detection, hand gesture recognition, and many others. As to the first problem, we manage to reach a Dice coefficient of 0.888, and a mean intersection over union (mIoU) of 0.825, in the competitive Kvasir-SEG dataset. The high performance of the proposed ensemble is confirmed in skin detection, where the proposed approach is ranked first concerning other state-of-the-art approaches (including HarDNet) in a large set of testing datasets

    Deep learning for Plankton and Coral Classification

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    Oceans are the essential lifeblood of the Earth: they provide over 70% of the oxygen and over 97% of the water. Plankton and corals are two of the most fundamental components of ocean ecosystems, the former due to their function at many levels of the oceans food chain, the latter because they provide spawning and nursery grounds to many fish populations. Studying and monitoring plankton distribution and coral reefs is vital for environment protection. In the last years there has been a massive proliferation of digital imagery for the monitoring of underwater ecosystems and much research is concentrated on the automated recognition of plankton and corals. In this paper, we present a study about an automated system for monitoring of underwater ecosystems. The system here proposed is based on the fusion of different deep learning methods. We study how to create an ensemble based of different CNN models, fine tuned on several datasets with the aim of exploiting their diversity. The aim of our study is to experiment the possibility of fine-tuning pretrained CNN for underwater imagery analysis, the opportunity of using different datasets for pretraining models, the possibility to design an ensemble using the same architecture with small variations in the training procedure. The experimental results are very encouraging, our experiments performed on 5 well-knowns datasets (3 plankton and 2 coral datasets) show that the fusion of such different CNN models in a heterogeneous ensemble grants a substantial performance improvement with respect to other state-of-the-art approaches in all the tested problems. One of the main contributions of this work is a wide experimental evaluation of famous CNN architectures to report performance of both single CNN and ensemble of CNNs in different problems. Moreover, we show how to create an ensemble which improves the performance of the best single model

    double committee adaboost

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    Abstract In this paper we make an extensive study of different combinations of ensemble techniques for improving the performance of adaboost considering the following strategies: reducing the correlation problem among the features, reducing the effect of the outliers in adaboost training, and proposing an efficient way for selecting/weighing the weak learners. First, we show that random subspace works well coupled with several adaboost techniques. Second, we show that an ensemble based on training perturbation using editing methods (to reduce the importance of the outliers) further improves performance. We examine the robustness of the new approach by applying it to a number of benchmark datasets representing a range of different problems. We find that compared with other state-of-the-art classifiers our proposed method performs consistently well across all the tested datasets. One useful finding is that this approach obtains a performance similar to support vector machine (SVM), using the well-known LibSVM implementation, even when both kernel selection and various parameters of SVM are carefully tuned for each dataset. The main drawback of the proposed approach is the computation time, which is high as a result of combining the different ensemble techniques. We have also tested the fusion between our selected committee of adaboost with SVM (again using the widely tested LibSVM tool) where the parameters of SVM are tuned for each dataset. We find that the fusion between SVM and a committee of adaboost (i.e., a heterogeneous ensemble) statistically outperforms the most used SVM tool with parameters tuned for each dataset. The MATLAB code of our best approach is available at bias.csr.unibo.it/nanni/ADA.rar

    Ensemble of different local descriptors, codebook generation methods and subwindow configurations for building a reliable computer vision system

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    Abstract In the last few years, several ensemble approaches have been proposed for building high performance systems for computer vision. In this paper we propose a system that incorporates several perturbation approaches and descriptors for a generic computer vision system. Some of the approaches we investigate include using different global and bag-of-feature-based descriptors, different clusterings for codebook creations, and different subspace projections for reducing the dimensionality of the descriptors extracted from each region. The basic classifier used in our ensembles is the Support Vector Machine. The ensemble decisions are combined by sum rule. The robustness of our generic system is tested across several domains using popular benchmark datasets in object classification, scene recognition, and building recognition. Of particular interest are tests using the new VOC2012 database where we obtain an average precision of 88.7 (we submitted a simplified version of our system to the person classification-object contest to compare our approach with the true state-of-the-art in 2012). Our experimental section shows that we have succeeded in obtaining our goal of a high performing generic object classification system. The MATLAB code of our system will be publicly available at http://www.dei.unipd.it/wdyn/?IDsezione=3314&IDgruppo_pass=124&preview= . Our free MATLAB toolbox can be used to verify the results of our system. We also hope that our toolbox will serve as the foundation for further explorations by other researchers in the computer vision field

    Ensemble of texture descriptors and classifiers for face recognition

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    Abstract Presented in this paper is a novel system for face recognition that works well in the wild and that is based on ensembles of descriptors that utilize different preprocessing techniques. The power of our proposed approach is demonstrated on two datasets: the FERET dataset and the Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset. In the FERET datasets, where the aim is identification, we use the angle distance. In the LFW dataset, where the aim is to verify a given match, we use the Support Vector Machine and Similarity Metric Learning. Our proposed system performs well on both datasets, obtaining, to the best of our knowledge, one of the highest performance rates published in the literature on the FERET datasets. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that these good results on both datasets are obtained without using additional training patterns. The MATLAB source of our best ensemble approach will be freely available at https://www.dei.unipd.it/node/2357
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